Wooden Stands with Luca-S Stranded Cotton - 525 colors - (12 Fill)
Wooden Stand - All Colors Numbers
- Size: 214 x 110 x 17,5 cm
- Colour: White
- Composition: Wood
- Contains: 525 colors Mouline Luca-S. Colors: 511 unicolor, 10 color variations and 4 metallized 8 metres / 6 strands
- 1 Hook contains 12 Mouline Luca-S skeins
Wooden Stand that contains all 525 colors of Luca-S Stranded Cotton. The white, black, gold and silver colors are included.
The full range of colors is presented on 2 stands.
If you are interested in purchasing our entire range of Luca-S Stranded Cotton threads, we can provide you with a free stand to demonstrate the entire assortment of threads and a color chart for Luca-S Stranded Cotton!